Friday, September 24, 2010

The Unexpected Moment

1 comment:

  1. 1) My strongest photo is the 4th picture of the girl carrying her shoes. I think it is my best photo because it really captures THE unexpected moment that Mrs. Seal has been talking about. Even though the assignment was to try and get people around the school for the yearbook, this picture breaks the rules in a good way. I love the mysterious but still very relaxed and friendly feel to it. I feel like this picture has good composition and especially lighting. This photo wasn't planned, it was in the spare of the moment, and that is the key to snapping just the right unexpected moment.

    2) I think my weakest photo is the last photo with the two boys working on a science lab. Even though this picture is great for the yearbook and shows science at its best, the photo seems almost posed. It is also not as interesting as it would be because a few other people snapped this same exact unexpected moment. The lighting also could have been better. All and all though, I am really proud of my photos, and I had such a fun time taking them.
